Thursday, November 15, 2018


Consider a  body of mass m consisting of a number of particles of masses m1, m2,...., mn. Forces m1g, m2g.....mng act on different particles in a direction vertically downward. Thus, the resultant ‘W’ of these parallel forces act at a single point ‘G’ which is called the center of gravity (C.G) of the body. 

Center of gravity of a body is a point, through which the resultant of all the forces experienced the various particles of the body, due to attraction of earth, passes irrespective of the orientation of the body. For regular bodies the position of the center of gravity can be easily located. In case of a thin rod it lies at the center of rod while in case of a rectangular or a square lamina it lies on the point of intersection of their diagonals. A body when suspended freely by a string must have its center of gravity lying on a vertical line passing through its point of suspension. It is only in that case the condition of equilibrium are fulfilled. So, to locate the C.G. of an irregular body, suspend it by any point and draw a vertical line passing through the point of suspension. Now suspend it form another point and again draw a vertical line passing through the point of suspension. The point of intersection of these two lines gives the center of gravity of the body.

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